Showing 1 - 25 of 263 Results
Otia Conchologica deseription of Shells and Mollusks by Gould, Augustus A. ISBN: 9781113860170 List Price: $28.99
The Naturalist's Library; Containing Scientific And Popular Descriptions Of Man, Quadrupeds,... by Gould, Augustus A. (Augustu... ISBN: 9781172712854 List Price: $59.75
The History of New Ipswich from its first grant in 1736 to the present time; with genealogic... by Frederic Kidder, Augustus A... ISBN: 9781241421106 List Price: $41.75
Principles of Zoology, Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrang... by Agassiz, Louis, Gould, Augu... ISBN: 9780405026546 List Price: $19.95
Principles of Zoaplogy Principles of Zoaplogy: Touching the Structure, Development, Distribu... by Agassiz, Augustus Addison G... ISBN: 9780554600642 List Price: $26.75
Otia Conchologica deseription of Shells and Mollusks by Gould, Augustus A. ISBN: 9781113860156 List Price: $25.99
Otia Conchologica deseription of Shells and Mollusks by Gould, Augustus A. ISBN: 9781113860132 List Price: $27.75
Otia Conchologica deseription of Shells and Mollusks by Gould, Augustus A. ISBN: 9781113860118 List Price: $18.99
Historical Memoir Of The Linnaean Society Of New England: Being An Epitome Of Its Records (1... by Gould, Augustus Addison ISBN: 9781166393809 List Price: $12.76
Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of the State by Massachusetts. Zoological A... ISBN: 9781175065902 List Price: $19.75
History of New Ipswich, from Its First Grant in 1736 to the Present Time by Gould, Augustus A. ISBN: 9781169805033 List Price: $44.76
System of Natural History : Containing Scientifci [sic] and Popular Descriptions of Man, Qua... by Gould, Augustus A. (Augustu... ISBN: 9781171957447 List Price: $58.75
Outlines of Comparative Physiology : Touching the structure and development of the races of ... by Agassiz, Louis, Gould, Augu... ISBN: 9781177252355 List Price: $37.75
History of New Ipswich, from Its First Grant in Mdccxxxvi, to the Present Time : With geneal... by Gould, Augustus A. 1805-1866 ISBN: 9781176412309 List Price: $40.75
Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts: Comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, a... by Augustus A. (Augustus Addis... ISBN: 9781110372287 List Price: $34.99
Naturalist's Library; Containing Scientific and Popular Descriptions of Man, Quadrupeds, Bir... by Gould, Augustus Addison ISBN: 9781231702093 List Price: $42.13
Principles of zology: touching the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrange... by Augustus A. 1805-1866 Gould... ISBN: 9781179539652 List Price: $26.75
The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States, and the adjacent territories of... by Augustus A. 1805-1866 Gould... ISBN: 9781179599731 List Price: $33.75
The History of New Ipswich: From Its First Grant in MDCCXXXVI, to the Present Time: With Gen... by Frederic Kidder, Augustus A... ISBN: 9780342075577 List Price: $29.95
Principles of Zoology: Races of Animals, Living and Extinct by Augustus Addison Gould, Lou... ISBN: 9780554866703 List Price: $20.99
Principles of Zology: Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrange... by Agassiz, Louis, Gould, Augu... ISBN: 9781145032521 List Price: $27.75
Report On the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. Ed. by W.G. Binney by Gould, Augustus Addison ISBN: 9781146146630 List Price: $45.75
The Terrestrial Air-Breathing Mollusks of the United States, and the Adjacent Territories of... by Binney, Amos, Binney, Willi... ISBN: 9781145700420 List Price: $32.75
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